Thermosolar Power Generation

Main Features

  • Static and dynamic analysis
  • Up to 100 cases of temperature and pressure.
  • 30 static seismic acceleration and 10 wind cases.
  • Multiple dynamic analysis in a single run.
  • Integrated Steam Hammer calculator to easy setup a Time History Dynamic Analysis Set.
  • Integrated Steam Relief transient force calculator to easy setup a Time History Dynamic Analysis Set.
  • Automatic mass distribution for accurate dynamic analysis.
  • Variable density to improve the calculation of HTF (Heat Transfer Fluid) or Molten Salts.
  • Thermal Stratification controlled by Segment, for the HTF pipes with low flow.
Temperature, pressure, wind, earthquake and more

Design Codes

AutoPIPE contains all revisions of the EN 13480 standard and numerous revisions to the B31.1 and B31.3. Most plants designed under ASME use B31.1 for the water and steam pipes and B31.3 for the HTF, Molten Salts and service pipes.

Always up to date, AutoPIPE offers the latest version of the code that you require and lets you choose the version that your project needs. To update a calculation, just change the year of the norm and AutoPIPE will update the materials and stress formulas to that year. See+

Steam Hammer

Using the closing time of the turbine inlet valve, the flow rate and the steam's conditions, AutoPIPE calculates the magnitude of the water hammer wave depending on the length of each straight section, and prepares the Time History considering all directional changes.

In this way, you will not have to apply the maximum load (DLF = 2) simultaneously on all elbows, but carry out the integration of forces with their real magnitude following the pace of the wave. And you can apply the wave in the branches until the first closed valve and at the precise moment.

Reduce man hours while increasing precision with AutoPIPE.

AutoPIPE - STAAD.Pro Interface

AutoPIPE allows you to insert structure models into the piping model, to connect the supports to the structure and perform the combined calculation.

When executing the combined calculation, the stiffness of the supports is no longer infinite, but is the real one provided by the support structure.

The dynamic analyzes performed will use the vibration modes and mass of the combined model. With what they will be much more real than another calculation approach.

The connection of the supports to the structure is fast and automatic.

Once the stress calculation has been performed, the piping model can be imported into the STAAD.Pro model and the calculated loads used in the structure calculation. Which saves hours of load introduction work.

Combined model AutoPIPE - STAAD.Pro


The user can keep open as many windows of AutoPIPE as he needs with one license. Thanks to that you can

  • Try other scenarios
  • Easily copy data from one to another
  • Run a long dynamic case while work in another calculation
Have multiple sessions opened at the same time

Load Sequence

Load Sequence: Steam lines are heated up to the operating temperature while the condensate is drained, and then pressure is applied to the line. So, the load sequence used by AutoPIPE is:

Weight Temperature Pressure

This sequence do not match with the sequence used in chemical plants, where pressure is applied before temperature. In this case AutoPIPE Sequence is:

Weight Pressure Temperature

This methodology is the one recommended by ASME and ensure the proper calculation of the stress. In the first sequence the gaps are closed due to the temperature, but in the second sequence are closed due to the pressure extension of the pipe. Many programs can only deal with the second one. See+

Equipment Verification

The equipment's are included directly in the stress model, no external routines are needed, so when executing the stress calculation, the equipment report can be requested immediately.

Equipment are inserted in the model for quick verification

Flange Verification

AutoPIPE contains a database of flange dimensions, so any flanged element, such as flow meters, or valves can be quickly verified.

Flanges can be evaluated according to ASME Sec VIII Div 1 or 2, ASME Sec III Appendix XI or ANSI check.

Flanges can be easy verified. Dimension DB is included in the software

Weight Allocation

In AutoPIPE the user can add weight at any point on the pipe, both centered and with an offset, in order to include the weight of instruments, reinforcements, trunnions, etc. And in this way make a more accurate mass model for both static and dynamic analysis.

The valves include fields to add the weight and the location of the actuator's center of gravity, so no additional elements are required.

In the image below you can see the blue arrows that indicate that additional weight has been placed at that point. You can also see the actuators of the control or motorized valves.

Calculating the correct weight for a piping system can save a lot of headache in the field during commissioning and operation.

Additional weight close to the connection to a steam turbine.

Support Weight

All supports have a field for the weight of the support, which has to be considered in the analysis since it is fixed to the pipe.

The supports also include a field for the support Tag.

Additional weight close to the connection to a steam turbine.


Dampers in AutoPIPE are placed like any other support without the need to indicate any displacement imposed on the anchor point, and the program activates them only in the event of an earthquake and water hammer.

The user can also activate them for wind, since fast gusts make dampers be activate.